Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Warped sense of beauty...

No wonder lots of people experience unhealthy anxiety related to their appearance....

I believe single people are more self-conscious about their appearance, as this is one of the aspects that they can use to potentially 'market' themselves to a mate.  However, this video should remind us, that we don't have to judge ourselves so strictly.  The images we are exposed to through mass media, aren't realistic standards.  Yet, there really does seem to be some pressure to be connected with an intimate partner.  I agree that life is enhanced when you share it with someone, however, it is important not to become discouraged, during those times when you are alone.  There are plenty of advantages to being single, and it is only a matter of time before your connection will present itself.

Everywhere you look within our culture, society seems to be suggesting that we are supposed to be either in a relationship or attempting to acquire one.  Maybe I gravitate towards TV programs like this, but consider the fact that the following programs all feature a single person and his/her attempts to satiate their intimate relationship need:

Two and a Half Men (both brothers are single, even kid is now looking for girlfriend)
New Adventures of a the Old Christine (Old Christine struggles with single status each episode)
CougarTown (Courtney Cox search for companionship)
30 Rock (Liz Lemmon)
Parks And Recreation (Each week someone on the show is advancing some sort of intimate relationship)
Gary Unmarried (Gary is trying to get with his boss)
How I met your mother (Entire show is about dating)
Scrubs (plenty of single doctors)

While it may be highly desireable to have someone to love and to connect with, it isn't the end of the world if you are alone.  Sure it can be inconvenient, and society may make you feel like there is something wrong with you if you aren't with someone...  but rest assured, love will come to you naturally.  Until then, it is all about loving and respecting yourself, as well as your friends and family.  Being confident, strong and assertive will be the most attractive approach you can aspire towards.

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