Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Small Town Dating Strategy...Three-Wheeling!

Ok, I will have to admit... there really aren't a lot of single people within my dating age range in Muscatine.  This is problematic not just for the purposes of finding a girlfriend, but for recreational purposes in general.  Hanging out with other single people is an easy fit, and usually works just a bit better than trying to latch on to other couples.  Unfortunately, there are just so many more opportunitites to hang out with couples than single people, since singles are a minority in small-town America.
The solution?..Why not work WITH the situation and strategically attach yourself to other couples? Yes, this is called 'being a THIRD-WHEEL' aka... 'Three-Wheeling'.  Not usually a term used to describe a desirable situation, however, this can actually work out to a single person's advantage as long as you don't mind getting a bit muddy.

Think about it, couples find it just as annoying as you do when you latch onto their plans...  Making dinner reservations for three seems awkward, attending special events is odd, and cuddling together during movie night is a bit strange with the 'third wheel' munching on popcorn on the sofa next to them.  Not only that, but they may become frustrated by observing the freedoms you seem to have as a care-free single.  They will want you to join them in their misery.

Single people can leverage this mutually annoying scenario by purposefully becoming a major part in the social lives of local couples.  The couple will naturally feel inclined to scour their social networks for someone to date you.  Ultimately, if you can show them that you aren't going anywhere, then they will be forced to make a decision... either find you a partner to avoid the dreaded 'third wheel' social situation, or get rid of you as a friend (which they won't want to do because you are so cool).
So, my suggestion is to squeeze your way into to as many 'couple' social scenes as possible. You will often end up being the 'third-wheel' or maybe even the 'fifth-wheel' (or seventh, or ninth, or eleventh?) but most importantly you should strive to be the ODD WHEEL.  This 'oddness' can be your ticket out of Lonelyville.

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