Monday, December 28, 2009

Practice Dating

Ok, someone has asked you out, but you aren't quite sure that they are the one you really like... what to do?  Go on a 'Practice Date'.  Practice dates are great for a variety of reasons. 

First, you will gain valuable 'dating data'. This can include things like learning about a new restaurant, a fun night club, a unique social activity you would have otherwise never thought to try, and most importantly, you will learn more about what you are looking for in a long-term partner by experiencing another person's strengths and weaknesses.

Practice dates also serve to do just that, give you a chance to 'practice' so you are ready when the 'real deal' comes around. The more times you go on a date, the more comfortable and confident you will become.

And, finally, practice dates can lead to friendships and referals. You always have room for more friends, and your date might put in a good word for you.  In a small town like Muscatine, news travels fast, even good news.

While you are on your practice date, please observe this list of things NOT to talk about:
1) Your past dating experiences
2) Your EX
3) Money
4) Health Problems
5) Religion/Politics
6) Business
7) Negative subjects
8) Your children
9) Sex
10) Your diet

In my case, I find that I am pretty intense, in a mentally stimulating sort of way, which can be a bit much at first, so I try and focus on letting her do most of the talking.  Girls love to communicate and appreciate a good listener.

Ok, so I am planning on initiating a few 'practice dates', and will accept almost any invitation, as I attempt to become a dating guru.  I hope to experience every sort of awkward dating experience possible.  I will suffer so you don't have to.   All of this 'research' will culminate in a local TV show called 'Muscatine Matchmaker' that is set to debut spring of 2010. 

Hopefully the girls I ask out over the next several weeks don't read this blog or I am sort of busted.  I guess they won't know if I consider this a 'practice date' or 'the real deal'.  It is only fair, they may be 'practicing' with me as well.  Sort of a game... Any interest in playing?

"Open up your mind and let me step inside
Rest your weary head and let your heart decide
It's so easy when you know the rules
It's so easy all you have to do
Is fall in love
Play the game
Everybody play the game of love, yeah"

..."Play the Game"  Queen

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