Sunday, December 6, 2009

The New Year's Eve Countdown Clock Ticks Away

Looking into my crystal ball... December 31st looks a little anti-climactic....Unfortunately, I don't see the 'New Year's Eve Kiss' in my future. There is still time, however, so the clock ticks away as I keep my eyes and ears open for a potential date.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,4,3,2,1... Happy New Year!!!  Yeah, great, especially if you can start the new year off feeling connected to someone special.  Sort of another one of those high-pressure holidays, like Valentine's Day, where single people have a little more planning and preparation to attend to.  For those who are married or in a committed relationship, the night is quite simple, with the main questions being 'where' and 'what' to do.  Couples have a great fallback option as well.  They can simply opt to enjoy a quite yet romantic night at home, so even if they don't have a special event to attend, the evening can still be quite rewarding.  For singles, however, 'WHO?' becomes the most critical question to answer. 

I went wardrobe shopping Saturday, taking a casual female friend to help make sure I picked out a nice looking outfit.  I bought a suit that I can wear when I want to 'dress to impress' (weddings, New Year's Eve, partying at the Elms, etc.)  The idea is to 'suit up' in an effort to impress the ladies... as the ultimate bachelor, Barney Stinson demonstrates  on 'How I Met Your Mother'.

While we were in Davenport, we toured the downtown nightlife for a bit, enjoying karoake night a place called 'Boozies'.  My friend seemed to be forming several crushes on some of the men as they belted out songs by Guns and Roses, Led Zepplin, Third Eye Blind, etc... No one really caught my eye, but I did enjoy feeling self-assured, as I wore my new outfit.  I plan on 'suiting up' from time to time as I peruse various night spots. 

So, my advice for any single readers would be to start planning NOW for new year's eve.  You don't want to get stuck randomly scanning the room at 11:59 for someone to kiss.  2010 can by legendary!!!

Though this may end up being my fate, it doesn't have to be yours...If you do end up in that situation, I suggest grabbing a random stranger, and starting the new year off by exchanging a friendly kiss.  (NOTE: Due to the H1N1 pandemic, I would also suggest keeping your tongue to yourself.  Starting 2010 with the flu would NOT be so legendary)


  1. I Don't Have a Flat ScreenTue Dec 08, 07:29:00 AM 2009

    I know your "casual" friend and she did not get a crush on everyone she saw--except Adam. Get your facts straight.

  2. Hey, this is Adam... thanks for the shout-out... I liked your friend as well... her rendition of Tony Basil's "Mickey" was inspiring...Perhaps she can head up to Boozies again for karoake night and we can sing something together... maybe "I got you babe" by Sonny and Cher?


  3. I Don't Have a Flat ScreenTue Dec 08, 01:24:00 PM 2009

    Thanks for the info. I know my friend is really into him. She is kind of a touchy-feely person, so hopefully Adam is o.k. with that.


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