Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The Five Second Flirt

Ok, I need all of you single-types to sync up with my proposal.  I would like to request that we all establish the 'five second flirt' technique as our preferred method of hooking up at the local night clubs.  Here is is how it works...

Girls:  Scan the room for an available man that your are interested in.  Be patient, it may take some time for the right target to arrive.  Upon selecting an appropriate male, proceed to lock eyes with him for five seconds and then gently turn your head away while flirtatiously flipping your hair.  5 seconds may seem like a long time, but it is necessary, so as to leave no question, from the man's perspective, that your are interested in meeting him.  Make sure to tone your eyes down to just beneath the 'stalker stare' level.  I know this is a fine line, but too much intensity can actually scare the guys off.

At this point the guy will respond accordingly.  Hopefully, he proceeds to approach you and strike up a conversation. 

Guys:  Be on the look out for girls who may be staring at you with an adoring gaze.  Bring a stopwatch if you have trouble with the timing.  If she gets past the 5 second mark, you are in!  It's your move, so go over and talk to her.  Also,  make sure to offer to buy her a drink after about 10 minutes, if the conversation is working. 

If he doesn't respond consider these possible reasons:
1) He is gay
2) He is looking for something specific (perhaps a blonde and you may be a brunette), so no worries, try again with someone else.
3) He wants you to 'chase' him.  Ultimately, this is a not going to be worth all the extra effort.
4) Hard to see a wedding ring sometimes, so perhaps he just simply isn't available.
5) He is shy... if he smiles back, consider approaching him.

Ok, so get out there and start working this nonverbal system.  My research suggests that these small-town bar scenes tend to include minimal mingling, so nonverbal communication may be our only option.  This technique is a step above the 'grunting like a cave man' approach that I have witnessed some of the small-town players using, so it is a step in the right direction.

There is a new bar called 'Grant Street Pub' located behind the Lincoln Center on Park Ave.  I checked this place out last night, and there is much potential.  The owners are interested in have a dating TV show there.  More details to come, but consider stopping by as this place may soon recieve my single-scene endorsement.

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