Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thankful for the 'Mommy Suit'

Personally, I appreciate it when unavailable women (i.e. married mothers) scale back their appearance efforts.  Wearing a floppy hat and gaudy swimsuit that covers your midriff area communicates to single men that you are 'off the market' and/or 'not interested'.  It is complicated enough trying to figure out who may be available without hot mommy's running around teasing frustrated bachelors.

Another consideration, it can be challenging for guys in relationships to refrain from 'appreciating' an attracitive female.  In fact, many relationships ultimately fail because of the insecurities caused when attractive females enter a man's field of view.  Problem solved when gals sport the 'mommy suit'.  When girls cover up and limit sexual non-verbal communication, it really does make a man's life easier, single or attached.   

If you are a single person, this is a great time to maximize your attractiveness (whatever that means to you) and have fun 'playing the game'.  But, if you aren't single, the pressure is off, enjoy your relationship for all that it can provide while appreciating the other wonderous aspects of your life that make it a joy to simply be alive.

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