Saturday, January 2, 2010

The 2010 Dating Plan

Whew, made it through another new year's eve, though the night was mostly uneventful.  Plan 'A' involved having a date with someone I was interested in as a potential girlfriend and then partying like rockstars... Plan 'B', was to be invited to a NYE party and enjoy the evening amongst close friends... Plan 'C', then was to go out and about and hope for a miracle.  Well, this year, no miracle happened, as I reluctantly went with plan 'C'.

I played some great music at the ELMS, as I DJ'd their party, however the turnout wasn't all that great.  I can say, though, that an acquaintance did kiss me pretty solidly at midnight.  I also got a nice gift, and hung out with some good friends until the wee hours of the new year's first day.

Speaking of plans... I have authored a 2010 dating plan that may be of interest to any readers in a similar situation.  Basically, I plan on dividing my efforts to 'be my own matchmaker' into three seperate categories:

1) Online Social Networking - This will include eHarmony and Facebook, maybe  I have actually had some success along these lines, and recommend that singles have an online presence.

2) Going Out and About - I plan on getting 'out there'.  Whether that be a social event, health club, grocery store, classes, playgrounds (for single moms), sporting events, bike races, or even the movie theater (small talk at the concession stand).  You have to leave the house to meet new people and promote your vitality.

3) Personal Contacts - Meeting your mate through someone who already knows him/her is the safest and most efficient way to make your own match.  This is an especially good option in smaller towns, as we don't have as many 'out and about' opportunities, nor as many geographically qualifying online matches.  People like to help others so don't be afraid to directly ask your friends and family who they know that may be available and interested.  Also, 'practice dates' can be a good way to get the referral.  Just because the chemistry isn't there, doesn't mean they won't put in a good word for you. 

The overall theme of the dating plan is to NETWORK.  You are selling yourself and  need as many people as possible to know what you have to offer.

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