Monday, January 11, 2010

Girls in Packs... Don't Attract

Let's say your a single gal, and you decide to 'get out there' by going out on the town.  You may be thinking that you need to call your girlfriends and make it a 'girl's night out'.  While this may feel much more comfortable and seem more natural than going out alone the actual situation is that...


I can see where a woman might think that a group of girls would be an attractive scenario for a male.  I mean who wouldn't want to be the guy pictured below...

But think about it... how realistic is it to think that this guy spotted four ladies jumping around on the beach, went over and hit on them, and then all four of them accepted his advances.

The fact of the matter is that it can be very intimidating for a guy to approach a group of girls.  It is hard enough to face rejection from one girl, let alone an entire herd of them.  It is also hard to fit into the social dynamic when the object of a man's desire seems confined within the boundaries created by a circle of chatting females. 

On the other hand, a girls sitting alone is extremely approachable.  In fact, a man almost feels a certain obligation to 'keep her company' as she sits there alone.  She doesn't seem perfectly content to be 'out with girls', rather she is nonverbally communicating that she is open for conversation.
Going out alone isn't easy, but could be well worth the initial discomfort you may feel when sitting by yourself.  You can deal with this by looking at your watch or the door every so often... this communicates that you may be waiting for your friends to arrive.  The guy, then, can assume you might appreciate some small talk while you wait. 

Be forewarned, if you go out alone you WILL ATTRACT attention. So, if you aren't interested in being constantly accosted and/or recieving free drinks, then stick to your former approach of creating a female friend shield that will deflect advances from interested males.  Unfortunately, this deflects both unwanted and wanted advances.  

This logic does hold true in other social scenarios besides night clubs (grocery stores, book shops, weddings, restaurants, etc.). So, when you are out and about on your own, keep in mind that you are at your most attractive state, and be attentive to potential networking opportunities.

Does this same logic hold true for guys?  I am actually not sure, but would assume that a guy sitting alone will come off as more of a creepy stalker type with an alcohol problem. 

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