Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Facebook Revolution

Ok, currently my Facebook status reads 'Single' and interested in 'Dating & Networking'.   I suppose the goal of many local singles is to change that to 'in a relationship'.

Though I have quite a few 'friends', they are almost completely 'married' or 'in a relationship'.  This isn't unexpected, and also shouldn't be discouraging.  Facebook is a social networking site, and NETWORKING is a key component of successful personal matchmaking.  Take a look at your profile, and make sure you represent yourself in the best light.  The people that peruse your information could be the link to future dates.

I would even recommend dropping a few subtle hints from time to time, to remind your friends and family of your availability.  For example your status could read... "Saturday night with nothing to do, I guess I will talk to my cat and stuff my face full of the tray of brownies I just made since I have no one in my life to share them with."

Ok, that was a little pathetic, maybe scale it back a bit.  The idea is to be attractive not desperate.

Another clever use of facebook involves following up after a chance encounter.  You don't really need to exchange phone numbers anymore, just catch their name and look them up on facebook the next day.... "Hey, I enjoyed meeting you last night, any interest in going out for coffee tomorrow"...

I even cross reference any referrals I get by looking them up on facebook... Usually I can verify any interest I may have by seeing the photos and profile they have posted.  Girls seem much more 'real' on facebook.

If I am doing this, then I assume others are as well.  I recommend treating your facebook profile as if everyone is looking at it, including potential dates.  Awkward pictures are fun, but should be reserved for the married people, who really shouldn't care if they come off as 'attractive' on their profile.

So try some 'facebook flirting',   it just might be the ticket to success.  If nothing else, take another good look at each of your FB 'friends' and consider asking some of them if they know anyone who may be a compatible dating candidate.  Facebook facilitates communication and networking opportunities.   If you are single and looking, you should definately be a part of the facebook revolution.

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