Friday, January 15, 2010

Eau de Desperation

A friendly place to flirt with potential dating candidates can often be the local cosmetics counter. Smell is an important component of human attraction, so I do purchase cologne from time to time.  Really, I am not as concerned with whether or not I like the way I smell, but whether or not the cologne will make me smell more attractive to members of the opposite sex.  To this end, it makes sense to ask the female counter person what scent she prefers.

"Well, I'm a single guy, so hoping to get a scent that would be enticing to a good looking female, such as yourself.  Do you have any recommendations?"

At which point, she usually gets very serious as she is stimulated by the mere thought of a male wearing the scent she is about to spritz onto my forearm.

But alas, my introverted nature restricts the relationship from going any further.  I make my purchase and head home to squirt my new purchase all over my wardrobe, dreaming fondly of the confidence I will exude, knowing that I have effectively handled the smelling portion of the five senses available. Speaking of that, it is said that men fall in love with their eyes and women fall in love with their ears... not sure where the nose fits into all of this... oh well.

Anyway, the title of the blog refers to a very unsavory smell that some men are guilty of projecting...'Eau de Desperation'.  This cologne doesn't attract women, in fact, it repels them.   It is important for a man to feel confident.   It shouldn't appear as if he is desperate for a date. Rather, that he is secure with his single status, has plenty of options, and will patiently partner with the appropriate female when the circumstances allow.

Unfortunately, I can think back to times when I may have been sporting this distasteful aroma.   Male and females alike, learn from my past mistakes... 'desperation is not attractive'.  Repeate after me..."I don't NEED to have an intimate partner in my life, it is simply a desireable situation that I hope to someday realize."

On the other hand, I was perusing through the text book for one of my grad school classes this semester regarding assessment and testing, and came across a risk assesment for suicide.  The top two risk factors listed were 'male' and 'single'.  Hmm, that got me thinking.  Yes, being single can be a troubling situation.  We are meant to be connected with other human beings, and depression is often a bi-product of feeling alone.  Yet, wallowing in self pity will serve no purpose but to perpetuate your single status, so don't let yourself get down.  Finding a partner is important to your overall well-being, but you simply can't come off as desperate.

BREAKING NEWS:  I have begun the discussions with this season's Muscatine Matchmaker Dating Client.  She is excited to let me and my matchmaking crew help her find love in small-town Iowa.  I am lining up potential matches for her (which is easy as there are tons of single dudes around here).  It is not too late for YOU, however.  We are still accepting applications for dating clients, and I am willing to interview females who may be interested in trying out their matchmaking skills as my co-host.


  1. What grad school do you attend? I'm curious as to which grad school is close to Muscatine.

  2. Western Illinois University has a Quad City Campus that offers several Graduate degree options. You can actually get an MBA through classes taught at MCC as well. St. Ambrose in Davenport has several master's degrees, and, of course, the University of Iowa was an option I considered.

  3. Which one do YOU attend?

  4. I go to Western Illinois University - QC. The classes are offered at night and the drive is about 40 minutes door to door. I have a 4.0 gpa and 9 hours of credit (so quite a ways to go yet)I have taken Counseling for Addictions, Theories of Counseling and Mental Health, and Lifestyles and Career Development. Thanks for your interest, and I highly recommend furthering your education if you are in a position to do so.


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