Friday, October 23, 2009

The Wing Woman

First let me explain what a 'WINGMAN' is for those not versed in the single-guy culture.  A wingman is a term used to describe a male friend that accomanies another male friend (the pilot) with the sole purpose of helping him navigate the 'plane' successfully toward the destination (Hookupville).  The wingman keeps his eyes and ears open for potential opportunities with respect to available females.  He always serves to represent his buddy's best interests, helping him seem as attractive to the opposite sex as possible. This may include instigating conversations with women and then discretely introducing subject matter that exposes his friend's best characteristics.  And, simply enough, he is supportive of the night's common cause... getting 'out there' within the single scene in hopes of networking future relationships.  The mere presence of a wingman allows the 'pilot' to conduct his mating procedures with more confidence and direction, as it would be more difficult to fly these missions solo.

Well, I haven't really been having any success with this 'wingman' approach.  In fact, finding a good wingman is becoming next to impossible, as most of the good ones have journeyed over to the 'other side' and gotten married.  Fortunately, I believe I have an even better approach... the Wing Woman.  Instead of hanging out with another single dude, I am going to experiment with attending various social events with another single female.  The main qualification is that she understands her roles (see above) and that we not be interested in each other romantically, only as friends.

As you can see by the photo, the wingwoman is communicating to other females an acceptance of her friend.  He actually seems to look more attractive just by his proximity to her.  Her attractivness is almost rubbing off on to him (guilt by assocation).  The nonverbal communication is that this guy has a certain 'something' that makes him a worthy companion.

Even more specific to the benefits of bringing a wing woman instead of a wingman, is the fact that she will be more keyed into what other women want, and can use her female intuition to guide me towards the single women that seem to be interested in me.  We will have to be careful that others don't assume we are dating.  Though this challenge would excite potential female suitors, it will defeat the purpose of interacting with available singles. 

I am planning on continuing my research of  Muscatine Mating Habits this Saturday night by conducting video interviews of people I meet at various downtown establishments.  I will be taking dating applications as well, hoping to sign up my first Matchmaker candidate.

I have a large skillset of 'Matchmaking' tools available.  However, it may take some time to find someone willing to expose their available status to area residents.  In small town America, everything is everyone's business and privacy is at a premium. It will take a confident individual, not worried about 'what other people think'.  There is no reason to be ashamed of being single, it is perfectly natural.  By putting yourself in front of as many dating candidates as possible, you increase your likelihood of finding 'THE ONE' not just 'another one'.  Many relationships fail because people settled for partners they weren't compatible with in the first place.  Don't let this be you.

Life is too short to live it any other way except to it's fullest.  Don't spend time alone that could be spent enjoying the benefits of life partnership.  Everything is just that much more possible with a companion.  I can help make this happen quicker than you can alone.  Sign up today!  Others may be inspired by your lead, and I can start to reduce the lonely plight of the small-town single.


  1. Good luck with the "wingwoman". Maybe if you asked the wingwoman on a date your troubles would be resolved.

  2. wingwoman on date... yeah that would seem simple enough, unfortunately not the situation. Thanks for the suggestion though.


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