Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Chad's Dating Post #1 - My Journey Begins...

Yeah right, the journey began many,many years ago.  I have been single for a really long time.  Sure I've had a couple of 'starter relationships' but for the most part I've done this 'living' thing alone.  It seems like I know what I'm looking for now and have matured enough to actually be a good catch.  My career is solid, my education is growing, my fitness is improving, and my emotions are maturing.

Now that I am getting older, it seems like I am even more focused on finding a female to share my life with.  This wouldn't be such a noteworthy situation, I mean there are plenty of single guys and gals running around 'looking for love', but I feel being single in such a small town makes this sort of a unique experience.  (And by unique I mean virtually hopeless).

Sure, I could expand my dating pool to include neighboring cities like Iowa City, Davenport, Cedar Rapids, etc., but I am inpsired by the challenge of actually meeting someone right here in Muscatine.  I know she exists, at least statistically (I think I may have even seen her at the gas station as I drove by).  I also feel that there may indeed only be ONE person that I am compatible with in this town. Think of the fun I am going to have as I navigate the Muscatine singles scene in search of this ONE single female.

 If you start to filter the Muscatine population by eliminating those who don't fit my basic dating qualifications (dudes, married chics, under/over aged, country music lovers, smokers, minimally educated, etc.) you would be left with a very small number of potential candidates.  Of those that are left, we don't know each other exists and are available, so most likely won't meet.  If we did, it wouldn't be a given that we would have good chemistry, which would mean they wouldn't be compatible either.

So you can see I have got my work cut out for me.  Join in my quest. Put a little love in your heart.  By following my misadventures you may stumble upon a certain kind of love of your own.  I will be presenting my experiences, some personal observations and single-guy perspectives, but I also hope to feature other Muscatine singles (age 25 and older) in an attempt to help others free themselves from this lonely scenario.

Stay tuned.


  1. I believe there is hope for you. You are clearly a creative, non-cynical, easily amused man with a good heart and great sense of humor. Best of Dating to you, I will be following.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Alicia. I also invite members of the public to comment regarding the posts, muscatine dating, or even just to promote yourself as an available match for other readers.

  3. I'm not sure I understand your exclusion of "minimally educated" persons. What is your education? Living in small town Iowa, an intelligent, educated person should be well aware of the limitations many (especially in small towns) face regarding access and support to pursue traditional educational paths. There are many highly intelligent people out there who do not have college degrees, yet manage to be influential, productive, and just as relationship-worthy members of society.

  4. My education...9 credit hours into my Masters of Education in Counseling...

    I agree with your comment completly regarding intelligence with respect to amount of education. The phrase 'minimally educated' would have been more accurate if it read 'un-intelligent'.


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