Friday, November 13, 2009

The Rule of '3's'

No, I'm not talking about the well known rule that celebrities die in groups of three (i.e. Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, Ed McMann), but the rule of 3's that addresses picking up women at bars...

You see, a man has the best chances of success when attempting to hook up with a girl who is in a group with two other girls, than any other numerical combination.

First consider a group of two girls...  You can't really go up to that twosome and instigate a conversation that doesn't seem to be interupting something.  And, more importantly, the girl you are asking out wouldn't be willing to leave her girlfriend alone the rest of the evening, so things can only go so far.

Sure, making conversation with the lonely looking girl sitting by herself at the bar is tempting, but 9 out of ten times she is simply waiting for her boyfriend.  Or, worse yet, she is desperate and manipulative, hoping to entice her prey with her 'wounded smile' approach.

What about groups of 4 or more girls?  Well, those are either bridal parties or a bunch of married/attached women at a 'girls night out' event. But, even if they are not... way too confusing. 

So, that leaves the threesome as the best option, statistically, for the single male to approach.  One of these girls is the DD (designated driver).  Stay away from her!  She will definately bust your game.  Make sure to provide her with a good impression, though, as she will ultimately be making the call regarding whether or not you and 'the chosen one' get to extend your evening in private.

There will also be another DD (designated drunk).  Ok, this girl isn't worth the risk.  She may be hot, but stay away, as for whatever reason, she has 'issues' tonight.  Her main role will be to keep the other DD occupied while you escape with 'the chosen one'. 

Ahh, 'the chosen one'...The girl who caught your eye from across the crowded room and returned your adoring gaze.  Approach with confidence, knowing that 'three' is a magical number, statistically proven to provide you with favorable odds of making a lasting connection.  Good Luck!

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